Join ART CLASSES on Lakeshore/Clarkson.

Drawing, Colouring, Water Colours, Crayons, Pastels, Oil Painting.
Call: 905 819 8142
Art is essential in expanding the horizons of children beyond everyday life. Children that are exposed to art early, are known to do better and go further in life as art creates an inner connection within the child to its outer environment.

Monday, March 30, 2015

People with autism are capable of astounding insights and creativity.

Don’t aim for “normal.” People with autism are capable of astounding insights and creativity. Your goal should be to rejoice in their strengths and shore up their vulnerable spots, not to “fix” them."

Helping children with autism - Today's Parent: "Go for the extraordinary
You may feel that you know your child is “in there” somewhere. Trust your feeling. See your child’s hidden gifts, even if they are blocked by lots of confusion and difficulties. 

Don’t define your child by his or her problems — they grew out of a cascade of challenges that you can address together slowly, carefully, and deliberately. Don’t aim for “normal.” People with autism are capable of astounding insights and creativity. Your goal should be to rejoice in their strengths and shore up their vulnerable spots, not to “fix” them."

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